Compiler design exercises and solutions 4.4 1


Important: All emails either to the instructor or the TAs should begin with subject line "[CS335]" -- without any spaces in the course code (and without quotes).
Email not complying to this rule wi.


There will be short assignments to give you a chance to apply the lecture material.
Assignments will have some written and some programming tasks.

Code of Ethics

Any report/program/assignment you submit must clearly distinguish your contribution from others (webpages, softwares, report, discussions with other students).
The penalty for copying in any form will be severe.

Course Outline

The course will mainly cover topics from the following list (not necessarily in the same order)..
1) Compiler structure: analysis-synthesis model of compilation, various phases of a compiler, tool based approach to compiler construction..
2) Lexical analysis: interface with input, parser and symbol table, token, lexeme and patterns.
Difficulties in l.

Course Project

The course project gives you a chance to apply the concepts learnt in the class to build a prototype compiler.
You will be required to implement various phases of a compiler, and perform an experimental evaluationof your implementation. 1.
Project will be done in groups.
The maximum (and preferable) size of a group will be threestudents.

How do I learn compiler design?

You can join online forums, communities, groups, or chats that are dedicated to compiler design and ask questions, share ideas, or seek help.
You can also form study groups or teams with your classmates or friends and work on projects or assignments together. Keep learning and exploring new topics and trends in compiler design.

Supporting Material

cscope and ctags: Code browsing utilities

Topics Covered and Slides

The slides are not suitable for taking prints as there is a lot of redundancy due to overlays.
Print only the pages that you really require.
Note that [DragonBook] refers to Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, Second edition, 2006. by Alfred V.
Aho , Monica S.
Lam , Ravi Sethi , Jeffrey D.
Almost all the content we cover in the cl.

What topics are covered in compiler design?

The book covers various topics in compiler design, such as:

  • lexical analysis
  • syntax analysis
  • semantic analysis
  • intermediate code generation
  • code optimization
  • and code generation.

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