Design compiler optimization reference manual

  • .
    1. Premature optimization is the root of all evil
    2. Adjust structure sizes to power of two
    3. Place case labels in narrow range
    4. Place frequent case labels first
    5. Break big switch statements into nested switches
    6. Minimize local variables
    7. Declare local variables in the inner most scope
    8. Reduce the number of parameters
  • How does compiler optimization work?

    Defining Compiler Optimizations.
    An optimization is the process of transforming a piece of code into another functionally equivalent piece of code for the purpose of improving one or more of its characteristics.
    The two most important characteristics are the speed and size of the code..

  • How to optimize code in C?


    1. Premature optimization is the root of all evil
    2. Adjust structure sizes to power of two
    3. Place case labels in narrow range
    4. Place frequent case labels first
    5. Break big switch statements into nested switches
    6. Minimize local variables
    7. Declare local variables in the inner most scope
    8. Reduce the number of parameters

  • What is compiler optimization in C?

    Compiler optimization is generally implemented using a sequence of optimizing transformations, algorithms which take a program and transform it to produce a semantically equivalent output program that uses fewer resources or executes faster..

  • What is the function of design compiler?

    The Design Compiler is the core of the Synopsys synthesis software products.
    It includes tools that synthesis the HDL designs into optimized technology-dependent, gate level designs.
    It can optimize for speed, area and power..

  • Boundary optimization is a technique used while logic synthesis for proper area, timing and power optimization.
    Boundary optimization may result in about 5-10% of standard cell area reduction and 2-5% of timing improvement.
  • Some of the key properties of optimizing compilers include: Code Optimization: The compiler analyzes the code and applies various optimization techniques to improve its performance, such as loop unrolling, dead code elimination, and const.

How do I use design compiler?

Analyze and resolve design problems.
Design Compiler can generate numerous reports, such as:

  • area
  • constraint
  • and timing reports
  • on the synthesis and optimization results.
    You use reports to analyze and resolve any design problems or to improve synthesis results.
    You can use the .
  • How does design compiler reduce power consumption?

    To perform power optimization, Design Compiler reduces power consumption on paths with positive timing slack.
    The more paths in the design with positive slack, the more opportunity for Design Compiler to reduce power consumption by using low-power cells.

    Should design compiler perform sizing and local optimization?

    Although the overall structure should not change, it may be desirable for Design Compiler to perform sizing and local optimization for better timing.
    For this set of optimizations, the global structuring of the logic can be disabled while enabling gate sizing.

    What is power optimization in design compiler?

    Power Optimization in Design Compiler Power CompilerTM automatically minimizes power consumption at the RTL and gate level, and enables concurrent timing, area, power and test optimizations within the Design Compiler® synthesis solution.


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