Compiler design what is a token

  • What is the lex program to identify tokens?

    Lex in compiler design is a program used to generate scanners or lexical analyzers, also called tokenizers.
    These tokenizers identify the lexical pattern in the input program and convert the input text into the sequence of tokens.
    It is used with the YACC parser generator..

  • Definition: A string over an alphabet is a finite sequence of symbols from that alphabet.
    Strings are often called words or sentences.
    Example: Strings over {0,1}: ε, 0, 1, 111010.
    Strings over ascii: ε, sysy, the string consisting of 3 blanks.
  • This is called the lexical analysis phase of the compiler.
    The lexical analyzer is the part of the compiler that detects the token of the program and sends it to the syntax analyzer.
    Token is the smallest entity of the code, it is either a keyword, identifier, constant, string literal, symbol.
  • When the token pattern does not match the prefix of the remaining input, the lexical analyzer gets stuck and has to recover from this state to analyze the remaining input.
    In simple words, a lexical error occurs when a sequence of characters does not match the pattern of any token.
Definition. Token is basically a sequence of characters that are treated as a unit as it cannot be further broken down. It is a sequence of characters in the source code that are matched by given predefined language rules for every lexeme to be specified as a valid token.
Token: A token is a group of characters having collective meaning: typically a word or punctuation mark, separated by a lexical analyzer and passed to a parser. A lexeme is an actual character sequence forming a specific instance of a token, such as num. The pattern matches each string in the set.


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