Design compiler is not enabled. (dcsh-1)

Does DC_shell need a PC to run?

(DCSH-1) pc, or physical compiler needs milkyway.
DC_SHELL does not need pc to run. that hosts your licenses. design compiler is not enabled.
I was working on my dc_shell-t and I suddenly encountered an error .
I then shut down the DC, then re-invoked it from the begining .
It gave me the same mentioned error message:.

Does design compiler pass physical information to IC Compiler?

physical guidance or floorplan exploration in Design Compiler Graphical.
Design Compiler in topographical mode does not pass any physical information to IC Compiler.
Specifying Relative Placement The relative placement capability provides a way for you to create structures in which you specify the relative column and row positions of instances.

How does design compiler work in a hierarchical design?

In a hierarchical design, Design Compiler considers only the top-level design’s local link library.
It ignores local link libraries associated with the subdesigns.
Design Compiler uses the first reference it locate s.
If it locates additional references with the .

Is it possible to install a DCC decoder in a Z-scale engine?

DCC in Z-scale can be a challenge, but it's possible to install a DCC-decoder in many of the Z-scale engines, with or without sound.
I have installed decoders in some of my MTL and AZL equpment, and the most challenging so far, was to install the LokSound micro 3.5 in my AZL Challenger engine.
Check out the video below.


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