Design compiler synthesis keep

  • What are the inputs for synthesis?

    Synthesis process can be optimized for Speed(timing)/Area/Testability (DFT)/Power(DFP)/Run time.
    Inputs : RTL, Technology libraries, Constraints (Environment, clocks, IO delays etc.).
    Outputs : Netlist , SDC, Reports etc..

  • What is elaboration in synthesis?

    The elaboration command (elaborate) does e.g. the following: Translates the design into a technology-independent design (GTECH) from the intermediate files produced during analysis.
    Allows changing of parameter values (generics) defined in the source code..

  • What is synthesis VLSI?

    Synthesis in VLSI is the process of converting your code (program) into a circuit.
    In terms of logic gates, synthesis is the process of translating an abstract design into a properly implemented chip..

  • What is the synthesis stage in VLSI?

    Synthesis in VLSI is the process of converting your code (program) into a circuit.
    In terms of logic gates, synthesis is the process of translating an abstract design into a properly implemented chip..

  • Structuring is usually recommended for designs with regular structured logic.
    Flattening tries to convert logic into two-level, Sum-of-Products representation.
    Flattening produces fast logic (by minimizing the levels of logic between the inputs and outputs) at the expense of the area increase.
  • The elaboration command (elaborate) does e.g. the following: Translates the design into a technology-independent design (GTECH) from the intermediate files produced during analysis.
    Allows changing of parameter values (generics) defined in the source code.
Feb 2, 2014I have a design that contains redundant structures and I do not want synopsys DC to optimize my design logic away, but the tool remove theĀ  How to stop design compiler logic optimization - Forum for ElectronicsPreserving modules during synthesis in RTL CompilerPreserve design during synthesis -SYNOPSYS DCI want to synthesize my design without optimization in design compilerMore results from
Oct 15, 2019It is now time to inspect the results you got by checking your design's timing, area, and power. Keep in mind that, up to here, your design hasĀ 

Can design compiler database be saved at different stages of synthesis?

Yes, it is possible to save and/or load Design Compiler database at different stages of synthesis.
Synopsys has DDC format to carry both design and constraint information.
Files in this format are not human readable, but very useful.
The following example saves the database after elaboration.

How does the synthesis tool work?

The synthesis tool tries to optimize your design by using the best possible available logic gates (e.g., a full-adder cell).
At the end, design rules (such as:

  • fanout
  • capacitive load
  • etc.) are checked to see whether there are violations (which are then fixed).
  • Is there a GUI for synthesis in design compiler?

    Synopsys provides a GUI front-end to Design Compiler called Design Vision which you will use to analyze the synthesis results.
    You should avoid using the GUI to actually perform synthesis since you want to use scripts for this.


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