Design compiler report_timing options

  • How do you Analyse a timing report in physical design?

    Types of Static Timing Analysis

    1. First, extract all possible topological paths
    2. Next, for each path calculate it's delay and compare it with endpoint (required) value
    3. Calculate the Arrival Time (AT) by adding cell delay in timing paths
    4. Check all path delays to see if the given Required Arrival Time (RAT) is met

  • What are the inputs for STA?

    The inputs of STA are:

    Design i.e a netlist.Constraints, i.e frequency of clock, the delay values of input signal. count_enable and rst_n with respect to clock edge,The delay values of the gates in the netlist..

  • What are timing constraints?

    Timing constraints may be used to influence and guide the placement of design elements and signal routes between placed elements in order to meet design performance requirements.
    The two general types of timing constraints are global and path-specific.
    Global timing constraints cover all paths within the logic design..

  • What is the basic static timing analysis?

    The main goal of static timing analysis is to verify that despite these possible variations, all signals will arrive neither too early nor too late, and hence proper circuit operation can be assured.
    Since STA is capable of verifying every path, it can detect other problems like glitches, slow paths and clock skew..

  • What is the purpose of static timing analysis?

    The main goal of static timing analysis is to verify that despite these possible variations, all signals will arrive neither too early nor too late, and hence proper circuit operation can be assured.
    Since STA is capable of verifying every path, it can detect other problems like glitches, slow paths and clock skew..

  • Which are 4 different timing paths in static timing analysis?

    Types of Paths for Timing analysis: Data Path.
    Clock Path.
    Clock Gating Path..

  • The inputs of STA are:

    Design i.e a netlist.Constraints, i.e frequency of clock, the delay values of input signal. count_enable and rst_n with respect to clock edge,The delay values of the gates in the netlist.
  • Types of Static Timing Analysis

    1. First, extract all possible topological paths
    2. Next, for each path calculate it's delay and compare it with endpoint (required) value
    3. Calculate the Arrival Time (AT) by adding cell delay in timing paths
    4. Check all path delays to see if the given Required Arrival Time (RAT) is met
  • Data path is a pure combinational path.
    It can have any basic combinational gates or group of gates.
    Launch path.
    Launch path is part of clock path.
    Launch path is launch clock path which is responsible for launching the data at launch flip flop.
  • Static timing analysis (STA) is a method of validating the timing performance of a design by checking all possible paths for timing violations.
  • Static timing analysis (STA) is a way of evaluating a design's timing performance by testing for timing violations along all conceivable paths.
    Dynamic simulation, which determines the whole behaviour of the circuit for a given set of input stimulus vectors, is another technique to do timing analysis.
Options: -npaths 0. -panel_name "Report Path". -file_name "timing.rpt". -append. Delay report_timing -append -hold -file timing.rpt -panel_name {Report Timing} 
report_timing -append -hold -file timing.rpt -panel_name {Report Timing} -from_clock [get_clocks { clock }] -npaths 2 -detail full_path. Options: -from_clock 


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