Compiler error cs0029

  • What is a compiler error in C#?

    Compiler errors are found by the C# compiler and prevent your code from being compiled into a .exe.
    Some common examples of compiler errors are missing semicolons or misspelled commands.
    The C# compiler reports these errors and stops processing the output because doesn't know what to do with the error..

  • What is error cs0029?

    Cannot implicitly convert type 'type' to 'type' The compiler requires an explicit conversion.
    For example, you may need to cast an r-value to be the same type as an l-value.
    Or, you must provide conversion routines to support certain operator overloads.Sep 15, 2021.

  • Compiler errors are found by the C# compiler and prevent your code from being compiled into a .exe.
    Some common examples of compiler errors are missing semicolons or misspelled commands.
    The C# compiler reports these errors and stops processing the output because doesn't know what to do with the error.
  • The keyword " void " does not mean any real type; it simply means the method which returns nothing.
    Such method is called for its side effect and cannot appear in the assignment operation at all.
    Therefore, you don't need to "convert" anything — there is nothing to convert.
The compiler requires an explicit conversion. For example, you may need to cast an r-value to be the same type as an l-value. Or, you must provide conversion routines to support certain operator overloads.
This is implicit because no code explicitly instructed the compiler to perform this conversion. The problem with this code is that this is considered a narrowing conversion, and the compiler does not allow implicit narrowing conversions because there could be a potential loss of data.


Cannot implicitly convert type 'type' to 'type'


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