
  • Does the order of webpack plugins matter?

    Yes, the order matters: plugins are bound to the compiler and applied in the order specified.
    You can look into webpack/tapable for a clearer idea on how this works..

  • How do I instantiate a plugin in webpack?

    Creating a Plugin

    1. A named JavaScript function or a JavaScript class
    2. Defines apply method in its prototype
    3. Specifies an event hook to tap into
    4. Manipulates webpack internal instance specific data
    5. Invokes webpack provided callback after functionality is complete

  • Is webpack a compiler?

    Webpack is the most prevalent bundler for front-end web app development, but more than that, it's a compiler platform.
    It's everything you need to write modern, modular web applications..

  • What is a webpack compiler?

    The Compiler module of webpack is the main engine that creates a compilation instance with all the options passed through webpack CLI or webpack api or webpack configuration file.
    It is exported by webpack api under webpack.
    Compiler .
    The compiler is used by webpack by instantiating it and then calling the run method..

  • What is a webpack plugin?

    A webpack plugin is a JavaScript object that has an apply method.
    This apply method is called by the webpack compiler, giving access to the entire compilation lifecycle..

  • A webpack plugin is a JavaScript object that has an apply method.
    This apply method is called by the webpack compiler, giving access to the entire compilation lifecycle.
  • Yes, the order matters: plugins are bound to the compiler and applied in the order specified.
    You can look into webpack/tapable for a clearer idea on how this works.
The following lifecycle hooks are exposed by the compiler and can be accessed as such: compiler.hooks.someHook.tap('MyPlugin', ( 


AsyncSeriesHook 在 asset 被输出时执行。此钩子可以访问被输出的 asset 的相关信息,例如它的输出路径和字节内容。 1. 回调参数:file, info 例如,可以通过 info.content访问 asset 的内容 buffer:


AsyncSeriesHook 在创建 compilation parameter 之后执行。 1. 回调参数:compilationParams 初始化 compilationParams变量的示例如下: 此钩子可用于添加/修改 compilation parameter:

How do I tap a compiler hook?

They can be tapped the same way as compiler hooks:

  • compilation.hooks.someHook.tap(/* .. */); As with the compiler, tapAsync and tapPromise may also be available depending on the type of hook.
    Triggered before a module build has started, can be used to modify the module.
    Fired before rebuilding a module.
    Run when a module build has failed.
  • How do I use a compilation hook?

    Here's an example of how to utilize the compilation.hooks.afterChunks hook.
    Triggered at the beginning of the optimization phase.
    Called at the beginning of the module optimization phase.
    A plugin can tap into this hook to perform optimizations on modules.
    Called after modules optimization has completed.


    SyncBailHook 在配置中启用 infrastructureLogging 选项后,允许使用 infrastructure log(基础日志)。 1. 回调参数:name, type, args


    SyncHook 初始化 compilation 时调用,在触发 compilation 事件之前调用。这个钩子 不会被复制到子编译器。 1. 回调参数:compilation, compilationParams

    What are compiler hooks?

    Compiler Hooks The Compilermodule is the main engine that creates a compilation instancewith all the options passed through the CLIor Node API.
    It extends theTapableclass in order to register and call plugins.
    Most user-facing pluginsare first registered on the Compiler.

    Why do we use tappromise method to tap into plugins?

    When we use tapPromise method to tap into plugins, we need to return a promise which resolves when our asynchronous task is completed.
    Once we can latch onto the webpack compiler and each individual compilations, the possibilities become endless for what we can do with the engine itself.


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