Quantum compilers

  • Are quantum processors real?

    Quantum computers are being manufactured and used.
    But they cannot yet make the large-scale calculations that are expected to be possible in the future..

  • Can AI run on a quantum computer?

    Many AI applications, such as planning and scheduling, can benefit from quantum computing because it helps explore viable solutions to problems.
    AI architectures can be developed more efficiently and at a larger scale using quantum computers..

  • How do quantum computer processors work?

    Quantum computing uses the qubit as the basic unit of information rather than the conventional bit.
    The main characteristic of this alternative system is that it permits the coherent superposition of ones and zeros, the digits of the binary system around which all computing revolves..

  • How is a quantum computer programmed?

    IBM's quantum computers are programmed using Qiskit (link resides outside ibm.com), our open-source, python-based quantum SDK.
    Qiskit has modules that cover applications in finance, chemistry, optimization, and machine learning..

  • How possible is quantum computing?

    It's almost impossible for today's computers to provide accurate simulations, because each atom interacts with other atoms in complex ways.
    But experts believe that quantum computers are powerful enough to eventually be able to model even the most complex molecules in the human body..

  • Quantum Programming books

    Researchers program quantum computers by writing lists of operations called quantum circuits.
    Complicated programs, like those used for machine learning, require large quantum circuits, but many of them are too large for existing quantum computers..

  • Quantum programming languages

    Quantum computing is a rapidly-emerging technology that harnesses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve problems too complex for classical computers.
    Today, IBM Quantum makes real quantum hardware — a tool scientists only began to imagine three decades ago — available to hundreds of thousands of developers..

  • Quantum programming languages

    Quantum software implements unique quantum algorithms using quantum circuits.
    A quantum circuit is a computing routine that defines a series of logical quantum operations on the underlying qubits..

  • Quantum programming languages

    While a traditional computer has to use lots of electricity to brute force its way through possible solutions, quantum computers leverage the properties of qubits to streamline the computation process.
    Another advantage of quantum computers is they scale faster than traditional computers as they gain qubits..

  • What are quantum processors used for?

    Quantum processors can draw conclusions about one particle by measuring another one.
    For example, they can determine that if one qubit spins upward, the other will always spin downward, and vice versa.
    Quantum entanglement allows quantum computers to solve complex problems faster..

  • What does a quantum computer do?

    Quantum computing is a rapidly-emerging technology that harnesses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve problems too complex for classical computers.
    Today, IBM Quantum makes real quantum hardware — a tool scientists only began to imagine three decades ago — available to hundreds of thousands of developers..

  • What is a quantum compiler?

    Quantum compiling is a hybrid between the general-purpose compilers of computers, transforming high-level language to assembly language, and hardware synthesis by hardware description language, where functions are automatically synthesized into customized hardware..

  • What is quantum compilation?

    In general we may refer to quantum compiling as classical software algorithms needed to connect the physical operations on a quantum hardware [3], which may range from semiconductor [4] or superconductor chip [5] to system based on trapped ions [6] or neutral atoms [7], with the source code of a high-level quantum .

  • What is quantum programming used for?

    Quantum programming is the process of designing or assembling sequences of instructions, called quantum circuits, using gates, switches, and operators to manipulate a quantum system for a desired outcome or results of a given experiment..

  • What is the purpose of quantum programming?

    The most important feature of QCL is the support for user-defined operators and functions.
    Its syntax resembles the syntax of the C programming language and its classical data types are similar to primitive data types in C.
    One can combine classical code and quantum code in the same program..

  • Where do quantum computers exist?

    In addition, there are quantum computers in scientific laboratories, in supercomputer centres, at universities, and so on—worldwide..

  • Where is Google's quantum computer?

    Our campus in Santa Barbara is home to a state-of-the-art quantum data center, fabrication facility, research lab and workspace to enable new advancements in quantum computing..

  • Where is quantum computer data stored?

    In quantum computing, quantum memory is the quantum-mechanical version of ordinary computer memory.
    Whereas ordinary memory stores information as binary states (represented by "1"s and "0"s), quantum memory stores a quantum state for later retrieval.
    These states hold useful computational information known as qubits..

  • Why would you want a quantum computer?

    Researchers are working to both understand which problems are suited for quantum speed-ups and develop algorithms to demonstrate them.
    In general, it is believed that quantum computers will help immensely with problems related to optimization, which play key roles in everything from defense to financial trading..

  • The quantum programming language Q# Q# is an open-source, high-level, programming language for developing and running quantum algorithms.
    It's part of the Quantum Development Kit (QDK) and it's designed to be hardware agnostic, scale to the full range of quantum applications, and to optimize execution.
As in classical computing, compilers translate higher-level programming languages into the language of computers. In quantum computing, for example, they translate commands programmed in Quantum Assembly Language (QASM) into a specific instruction set for a quantum computer.
The compiler translates your quantum algorithm to the lower-level language, or machine instructions, that can be executed on particular hardware. In this video, assistant-professor Carmina Almudever (QuTech) will explain the role of the compiler. After this, she will describe the steps it executes in detail.
The compiler translates your quantum algorithm to the lower-level language, or machine instructions, that can be executed on particular hardware. In this video 

Can RL-based quantum compilers be used for two-qubit operator compiling?

In addition, for the first time, we demonstrate how to leverage RL-based quantum compilers to accomplish two-qubit operator compiling.
The achieved results open an avenue for integrating RL with quantum compiling to unify efficiency and practicality and thus facilitate the exploration of quantum advantages.

What are quantum programming languages & compilers?

The field of quantum programming languages and compilers is still nascent, and current research and implementation efforts are focused on low-level circuit optimizations, concentrating on the purely quantum pieces rather than on optimizations that act across the entire program structure.

What are the limitations of quantum compilers?

Due to its fundamental importance, a plethora of quantum compilers has been designed in past years.
However, there are several caveats to current protocols, which are low optimality, high inference time, limited scalability, and lack of universality.

What is quantum compiling?

Quantum compiling by deep reinforcement learning | Communications Physics The general problem of quantum compiling is to approximate any unitary transformation that describes the quantum computation as a sequence of elements selected from a finite base of universal quantum gates.


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