Compilers written in ocaml

  • Is OCaml faster than C?

    According to The great computer language shootout, (see also the newer Computer language shootout benchmarks) Ocaml is the second fastest language - slower than C, but faster than C++..

  • Is OCaml good for writing compilers?

    Because OCaml is one of the best tools for creating compilers, typecheckers, etc, you'll find a wide variety of projects made in OCaml..

  • Was Rust written in OCaml?

    The first Rust compiler was written in OCaml (and in fact it is one of the languages that influenced Rust).
    Only a couple of years later did a Rust compiler get written in rust itself.
    Both existed in parallel for a bit before the OCaml based compiler got deleted.
    Rustc back then was a lot buggier than it is right now..

  • What compilers are built on OCaml?

    OCaml comes with two compilers: ocamlc is the bytecode compiler, and ocamlopt is the native code compiler..

  • What software is written in OCaml?

    MirageOS, a unikernel programming framework written in pure OCaml.
    MLdonkey, a peer-to-peer file sharing application based on the EDonkey network.
    Ocsigen, an OCaml web framework.
    Opa, a free and open-source programming language for web development..

  • Why are compilers written in OCaml?

    The compiler has a straightforward compilation strategy that produces performant code without requiring heavy optimisation and without the complexities of dynamic just-in-time (JIT) compilation.
    This, along with OCaml's strict evaluation model, makes runtime behavior easy to predict..

  • For those familiar with both Rust and OCaml: If you were writing a compiler, would you go with Rust or OCaml ? Well, the first Rust compiler was written in OCaml, before it became self hosted..May 25, 2022
  • Genealogically, OCaml comes from the line of programming languages whose grandfather is Lisp and includes other modern languages such as Clojure, F#, Haskell, and Racket.
    OCaml originates from work done by Robin Milner and others at the Edinburgh Laboratory for Computer Science in Scotland.
  • It might appear that in my opinion Haskell is better at everything, but it is not true.
    The main advantage of OCaml is that its compiler is way simpler and produces code with more predictable performance.
    Some of the consequences are: It is easier to port it to new platforms.
  • The first Rust compiler was written in OCaml (and in fact it is one of the languages that influenced Rust).
    Only a couple of years later did a Rust compiler get written in rust itself.
    Both existed in parallel for a bit before the OCaml based compiler got deleted.
    Rustc back then was a lot buggier than it is right now.
Apr 15, 2017OCaml compiler is very fast and produces efficient code and so it feels reasonable to expect the same for BuckleScript. F# is often slower, but 
Feb 7, 2017Felix compiler is coded in Ocaml -and generates C++. Frama-C  Why are compilers written most in C++ rather than Haskell/OCaml or How does the OCaml programming language work internally? - QuoraWhat is the largest commercial program written in OCaml? - QuoraWhen should I use OCaml over Haskell? - QuoraMore results from
Feb 7, 2017Felix compiler is coded in Ocaml -and generates C++. Frama-C  Why are compilers written most in C++ rather than Haskell/OCaml or How does the OCaml programming language work internally? - QuoraWhat is the largest commercial program written in OCaml? - QuoraWhat are some reasons why OCaml is not used in production? - QuoraMore results from
Feb 7, 2017OCaml has some very interesting features which make it useful: 1. It compiles to byte code and is fast. One can write embedded systems and OS in it. The first  Why are compilers written most in C++ rather than Haskell/OCaml or How does the OCaml programming language work internally? - QuoraWhat is the largest commercial program written in OCaml? - QuoraWhen should I use OCaml over Haskell? - QuoraMore results from
Feb 7, 2017Of course the Ocaml compiler is coded in Ocaml; and Ocsigen also has a js_of_ocaml Ocaml -> JavaScript transpiler, etc.Why are compilers written most in C++ rather than Haskell/OCaml or How does the OCaml programming language work internally? - QuoraWhat is the largest commercial program written in OCaml? - QuoraWhen should I use OCaml over Haskell? - QuoraMore results from

Programming language

OCaml is a general-purpose, high-level multi-paradigm programming language which extends the Caml dialect of ML with object-oriented features.
OCaml was created in 1996 by Xavier Leroy, Jérôme Vouillon, Damien Doligez, Didier Rémy, Ascánder Suárez, and others.


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