Compiler.xml bytecode target level

  • How do I change my target bytecode version?

    Open Intellij preferences (found from “IntelliJ IDEA \x26gt; Preferences…” on Mac) and select “Build, Execution, Deployment \x26gt; Compiler \x26gt; Java Compiler'. 2.
    In the table in the middle of the dialog, select the version you want to use in the “Target bytecode version” dropdown..

  • Bytecode is computer object code that an interpreter converts into binary machine code so it can be read by a computer's hardware processor.
    The interpreter is typically implemented as a virtual machine (VM) that translates the bytecode for the target platform.
  • Open Intellij preferences (found from “IntelliJ IDEA \x26gt; Preferences…” on Mac) and select “Build, Execution, Deployment \x26gt; Compiler \x26gt; Java Compiler'. 2.
    In the table in the middle of the dialog, select the version you want to use in the “Target bytecode version” dropdown.


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