What are examples of compilers

  • Types of compiler in C

    C++ is designed to be a compiled language, meaning that it is generally translated into machine language that can be understood directly by the system, making the generated program highly efficient.
    For that, a set of tools are needed, known as the development toolchain, whose core are a compiler and its linker..

  • What are the 3 compilers?

    Examples of compiled programming languages are C and C++.
    An Interpreter directly executes instructions written in a programming or scripting language without previously converting them to an object code or machine code.
    Examples of interpreted languages are Perl, Python and Matlab..

How Does A Compiler Work?

The process of compiling code involves several steps.Basically, Code passes through these steps sequentially and if there is any mistake in code then it will be examined through these steps and thus compilation process stops in-between and show compilation error.Oherwise if everything is OK then compiler does not show any error and compile the sour.


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