Compiler can diagnose

  • "Get me a cup of coffee." is a logical error when the person intended to ask for a cup of tea.
    In computer programs, this error can occur in many different forms.
    A simple example is when a programmer assigns the wrong value to a variable.
  • Can a compiler detect logical error?

    A compiler can check for syntax errors but cannot check for logical errors.
    This is because logical errors are not related to the syntax of the program but rather to its logic.
    Logical errors can only be identified by running the program and analyzing its output..

  • Can compiler detect errors?

    In computer science, a syntax error is an error in thesyntax of a sequence of characters or tokens that is intended to be written in a particular programming language.
    These are detected by compiler.
    A program will not compile until all syntax errors are corrected..

  • Can logical error be detected by the compiler?

    Logical Errors (LE) are errors that remain after all syntax errors have been removed.
    Usually, the compiler does not detect LE, so the produced results are different from what the programmer is expecting..

  • What type of errors are caught by the compiler?

    Syntax errors
    Syntax errors are perhaps the most common type of error that beginners make.
    These are mistakes in the code structure, such as using incorrect syntax or forgetting to close a bracket.
    Syntax errors are usually caught by the compiler or interpreter, so they are easy to fix..

  • Which error can compiler diagnose?

    The correct answer is Syntax errors.
    A syntax error is an error in the source code of a program..

  • Which type of error can a compiler diagnose?

    The correct answer is Syntax errors.
    A syntax error is an error in the source code of a program..

  • Which type of errors are flagged by compilers?

    The errors that can be found out by a compiler are known as syntax errors..

  • Other semantic errors (the dynamic semantic errors) and the logical errors cannot be detected by the compiler, and hence they are detected only when the program is executed.
    This error occurs only for a certain configuration of the input (b = 0).
  • Syntax errors
    Syntax errors are perhaps the most common type of error that beginners make.
    These are mistakes in the code structure, such as using incorrect syntax or forgetting to close a bracket.
    Syntax errors are usually caught by the compiler or interpreter, so they are easy to fix.
  • To find errors in a C program, use a compiler like GCC to compile the code, which will report any syntax or semantic errors it encounters.
- A compiler can detect grammatical errors in the source code. Grammatical errors are syntax errors that violate the rules of the programming language. For example, missing semicolons, mismatched parentheses, and misspelled keywords are all grammatical errors.
Compiler can diagnose grammatical errors only. A compiler is a computer program (or set of programs) that transforms source code written in a programming 


Compiler can check logical error
Compiler canonicalization
Compiler can check syntax error
Compiler can diagnose mcq
Compiler cannot detect this error
Compiler when error
When would you use a compiler
How first compiler was compiled
Compilers is written in which language
Compiler is out of heap space
Compiler is a system software
Compiler is an example of
Compiler is used to translate
Compiler is which type of software
Compiler is a software
Compiler is faster than interpreter
Compiler is a program that
Compiler is a translating program which
Compiler is a type of
Compiler is a translator