Compiler canonicalization

  • (transitive, computing) To convert (data) into canonical form.
  • What does canonicalization mean in programming?

    Canonicalization is the process of selecting the representative –canonical– URL of a piece of content.
    Consequently, a canonical URL is the URL of a page that Google chose as the most representative from a set of duplicate pages..

  • What is canonical serialization?

    The canonical serialization format is generally based on a schema-driven format that provides information about the structure of the data.
    A dataset is serialized into a common format that is then consumed by three disparate clients without the need to perform any data format conversion..

  • What is canonicalization in compiler?

    In computer science, canonicalization (sometimes standardization or normalization) is a process for converting data that has more than one possible representation into a "standard", "normal", or canonical form..

  • What is canonicalization in software?

    This term is commonly used to determine whether a programming interface follows a certain standard or precedent or whether it deviates from it.
    The process for converting data that has more than one possible representation into a standard (canonical) form is called canonicalization..

  • What is meant by canonicalization?

    Canonicalization is the process of selecting the representative –canonical– URL of a piece of content.
    Consequently, a canonical URL is the URL of a page that Google chose as the most representative from a set of duplicate pages..

  • What is the function of Canonicalization?

    Canonicalization is the process of selecting the representative –canonical– URL of a piece of content.
    Consequently, a canonical URL is the URL of a page that Google chose as the most representative from a set of duplicate pages..

  • What is the process of Canonicalization?

    Canonicalization is the process of selecting the representative –canonical– URL of a piece of content.
    Consequently, a canonical URL is the URL of a page that Google chose as the most representative from a set of duplicate pages..

Canonicalization is an important part of compiler IR design: it makes it easier to implement reliable compiler transformations and to reason about what is better or worse in the code, and it forces interesting discussions about the goals of a particular level of IR.
MLIR has a single canonicalization pass, which iteratively applies the canonicalization patterns of all loaded dialects in a greedy way. Canonicalization is  General DesignGlobally Applied RulesDefining Canonicalizations
Operation Canonicalization. Canonicalization is an important part of compiler IR design: it makes it easier to implement reliable compiler transformations  General DesignGlobally Applied RulesDefining Canonicalizations

Should we use x + x as the canonical form?

Addition is generally faster than multiplication, so that would suggest we pick x + x as the canonical form.
But, x + x can actually make things harder for subsequent optimizations, because it means that now x has multiple uses.

What is canonicalization in XML?

Briefly, canonicalization removes whitespace within tags, uses particular character encodings, sorts namespace references and eliminates redundant ones, removes XML and DOCTYPE declarations, and transforms relative URIs into absolute URIs.
The first example contains extra spaces in the closing tag of the first node.

What is the philosophy of canonicalization?

The basic philosophy of canonicalization says that canonical forms should be translated into optimal forms toward the back of the compiler, after all mid-level optimizations which benefit from canonical form are done.

Why is canonicalization important in compiler IR design?

Canonicalization is an important part of compiler IR design:

  • it makes it easier to implement reliable compiler transformations and to reason about what is better or worse in the code
  • and it forces interesting discussions about the goals of a particular level of IR.
  • Compiler canonicalization
    Compiler canonicalization

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