Compiler person definition

  • com\xb7​pil\xb7​er kəm-ˈpī-lər.
    1: one that compiles.
    2: a computer program that translates an entire set of instructions written in a higher-level symbolic language (such as C) into machine language before the instructions can be executed.6 days ago
1. a person who collects or compiles something. 2. a computer program by which a high-level programming language, such as COBOL or FORTRAN, is converted into machine language that can be acted upon by a computer. Compare assembler.
a person who compiles, or gathers things together. Also called com·pil·ing rou·tine [kuhm-pahy-ling roo-teen] . Computers. a computer program that translates a program written in a high-level language into another language, usually machine language.: Compare interpreter (def. 3a).
A compiler is someone who compiles books, reports, or lists of information. the compilers of dictionaries and grammars. 2. countable noun.


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