Which compilers support c++20

  • Is C++20 official?

    C++20 is the latest version of the C++ programming language, which was officially standardized in December 2019..

  • Which compilers support C++20?

    Compiler support
    Visual Studio 2019 supports all C++20 features through its /std:c++latest option, as of version 16.10. 0..

  • Which Visual Studio supports C++20?

    C++20 Support Comes To C++/CLI.
    We're pleased to announce the availability of C++20 support for C++/CLI in Visual Studio 2022 v17. 6.
    This update to MSVC was in response to feedback received from many customers via votes on Developer Community and otherwise..

  • Why use C++20?

    Some of the most notable changes include: Concepts: C++20 introduces a new feature called "concepts", which are a way to express constraints on template arguments.
    Concepts allow for more expressive type checking and improved error messages when using templates..

  • If your compiler supports C++17 or C++20, you can use it.
    Some compilers only have partial support for C++17 and C++20, so they default to C++14.
    There could be various reasons to not use the newest standard.
    New features are less tested, and there probability that there is a bug related to them might be higher.
  • In 2022, CMake released support for C++ modules and it's now available for v3. 25 and later.
    C++20 modules were added to ReSharper C++ and CLion.
  • Visual Studio Code FREE
    Microsoft provides an open-source cross-platform editor.
    This editor is well-known for supporting a variety of programming languages, including C++.
    It includes the greatest C++ compiler and allows you to handle various versions of the same product with ease.
Visual Studio 2019 (latest version 16.10, on Windows) is the only IDE currently coming with a compiler that fully supports C++20. Clang and GCC are still missing features.
Which compilers support C++20 modules?
  • CMake, Ninja generator, Visual Studio C++ toolchain.
  • CMake, Visual Studio generator, Visual Studio C++ toolchain.
  • CMake, Clang toolchain with compiler flags.
Compiler support Visual Studio 2019 supports all C++20 features through its /std:c++latest option, as of version 16.10.0. An option /std:c++20 to enable C++20 mode is added in version 16.11.0. Project properties→Configuration properties→C/C++→Language→C++ Language Standard.


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