Compiler value numbering

  • What is an example of a local value numbering?

    Local value numbering
    By assigning numbers to instructions, comparing for duplicates is turned into simple integer comparisons.
    In this particular example, c and e are assigned the same number (#3), thus signalling to the compiler that any references to e may simply be replaced with ones to c ..

  • What is global value numbering SSA?

    Global value numbering (GVN) is a compiler optimization based on the static single assignment form (SSA) intermediate representation.
    It sometimes helps eliminate redundant code that common subexpression elimination (CSE) does not..

  • What is the value numbering method?

    Value numbering is a technique of determining when two computations in a program are equivalent and eliminating one of them with a semantics-preserving optimization..

  • What is value number in compiler design?

    Value numbering is a compiler-based program analysis technique with a long history in both literature and practice.
    Although the name was originally applied to a method for improving single basic blocks, it is now used to describe a collection of optimizations that vary in power and scope..

  • What is value number in compiler design?

    Value numbering is a technique of determining when two computations in a program are equivalent and eliminating one of them with a semantics-preserving optimization..

  • A value number is a number associated with each variable used within the basic block.
    It uniquely identifies the place in the basic block where the variable was last assigned a value.
    The value number of all the variables are initialized at the start of the basic block.
Global value numbering (GVN) is a compiler optimization based on the static single assignment form (SSA) intermediate representation. It sometimes helpsĀ  Global value numberingLocal value numberingDifficulties and extensions
The primary objective of value numbering is to assign an identifying number (a value number) to each expression in a particular way. The number must have the property that two expressions have the same number if the compiler can prove they are equal for all possible program inputs.
The primary objective of value numbering is to assign an identifying number (a value number) to each expression in a particular way. The number must have the property that two expressions have the same number if the compiler can prove they are equal for all possible program inputs.
Value numbering is a compiler-based program analysis technique with a long history in both literature and practice. Although the name was originally applied to a method for improving single basic blocks, it is now used to describe a collection of optimizations that vary in power and scope.
Value numbering is a technique of determining when two computations in a program are equivalent and eliminating one of them with a semantics-preserving optimization.


Compiler variable initialization
Compiler validation suite
Compiler variable optimization
Compiler vector
Compiler valac
Compiler variance
Compiler van
Compiler variable codeblocks
Compiler warning
Wasm compilers
Compiler warning (level 4) cs1591
Compiler warning c4430
Compiler warning (level 3) c4996
Compiler warning examples
Compiler warning c++
Compiler wall
Compiler warning levels
Compiler warning flags
Compiler warning (level 2) cs0618
Compiler warning (level 2) cs0108