
  • Does Clang use Libstdc ++?

    Clang supports a wide range of versions of libstdc++, from around version 4.2 onwards, and will implicitly work around some bugs in older versions of libstdc++.
    You can instruct Clang to use libstdc++ with the -stdlib=libstdc++ flag..

  • How to use libc ++?

    Libc++ implements the various versions of the C++ Standard.
    Changing the version of the standard can be done by passing -std=c++XY to the compiler.
    Libc++ will automatically detect what Standard is being used and will provide functionality that matches that Standard in the library..

  • Troubleshooting---Conan - VMM3a/SRS Documentation

    ERROR: Setting value not defined
    This means that the recipe defined settings = "os", "arch", but a value for the arch setting was not provided either in a profile or in the command line.
    Make sure to specify a value for it in your profile, or in the command line: $ conan install ..

  • What is Conan settings compiler value not defined?

    ERROR: Setting value not defined
    This means that the recipe defined settings = "os", "arch", but a value for the arch setting was not provided either in a profile or in the command line.
    Make sure to specify a value for it in your profile, or in the command line: $ conan install ..

  • [LLVMdev] Can libc++ build for arm cross compiler? - Google Groups

    ERROR: Setting value not defined
    This means that the recipe defined settings = "os", "arch", but a value for the arch setting was not provided either in a profile or in the command line.
    Make sure to specify a value for it in your profile, or in the command line: $ conan install ..

  • ERROR: Setting value not defined
    This means that the recipe defined settings = "os", "arch", but a value for the arch setting was not provided either in a profile or in the command line.
    Make sure to specify a value for it in your profile, or in the command line: $ conan install .
  • libc++abi is a new implementation of low level support for a standard C++ library.
    All of the code in libc++abi is dual licensed under the MIT license and the UIUC License (a BSD-like license).
Mar 13, 2018I use GCC 6.3 My profile is: [settings] os=Linux os_build=Linux arch=x86_64 compiler=gcc compiler.version=6.3 build_type=Release [env] 
Mar 13, 2018Yes, the reason is that we much prefer it to be explicit, rather than the compiler default, because the bad thing is that there is not such 


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