Compiler sinonimo

  • 2 datos, noticias, informes, referencias, reporte, nota, raz\xf3n, contenidos.
  • What does compile ideas mean?

    compile verb [T] (GATHER TOGETHER)
    to collect information from different places and arrange it in a book, report, or list: We're compiling some facts and figures for a documentary on the subject..

  • What is a word similar to compiled?

    Synonyms of compile (verb assemble, accumulate) amass. arrange. assemble. collect..

  • Reunir en una sola obra o volumen fragmentos, extractos o textos de diferentes fuentes, libros, documentos, etc.
    Variante: copilar (poco usada).
    Relacionados: coleccionar, compendiar, recopilar.
Another word for COMPILER: writer writer collecter gatherer accumulator amasser anthologizer | Collins English Thesaurus.
Reunir un conjunto de partes en un volumen: 1 reúna, junte, agrupe, recopile.


Compile time error
Compile time
Compile time polymorphism
Compiler tiger book
Compiler tiling
Ti compilers
Compiler timestamp
Compiler tiny
Compiler time in c
Compile time check
Compile time function
Compiler wiki
Compiler time meaning
Compile time operator
Uiuc compilers
Compiler video
Compiler visitor pattern
Compiler viewer
Compiler visual basic online
Compiler virus