Difficult daughters analysis

  • What are the themes of Manju Kapur novels?

    Her novels Difficult Daughters, A Married Woman, Home, The Immigrant, Custody and The Brothers explore women's struggle in patriarchal setup.
    Manju Kapur has used different themes such as patriarchal setup, search for identity, infertility and infidelity and struggle for existence etc..

  • What are the themes of Manju Kapur's novels?

    Her novels Difficult Daughters, A Married Woman, Home, The Immigrant, Custody and The Brothers explore women's struggle in patriarchal setup.
    Manju Kapur has used different themes such as patriarchal setup, search for identity, infertility and infidelity and struggle for existence etc..

  • What is the Difficult Daughters about?

    Set around the time of Partition and written with absorbing intelligence and sympathy, Difficult Daughters is the story of a young woman torn between the desire for education and the lure of illicit love..

  • What is the quest of identity in Difficult Daughters?

    The title of the novel 'Difficult Daughters' is an indication to the message that a woman, who tries in search of an identity, is branded as a difficult daughter by the family and the society as well.
    The story tells how she is torn between family duty, the desire for education and elicit love..Oct 19, 2023.

  • What is the theme of Difficult Daughters?

    The novel revolves around the aspirations and attempts of female characters like Virmati, Ida, Shakuntala and Swarnalata, who break free from the traditional roles of motherhood and homemaker and assert their individualities in their due roles in the social and political upheavals of the times..

  • What is the theme of the Manju Kapur novels?

    Her novels Difficult Daughters, A Married Woman, Home, The Immigrant, Custody and The Brothers explore women's struggle in patriarchal setup.
    Manju Kapur has used different themes such as patriarchal setup, search for identity, infertility and infidelity and struggle for existence etc..

  • What is the theme of the novel Difficult Daughters?

    The novel revolves around the aspirations and attempts of female characters like Virmati, Ida, Shakuntala and Swarnalata, who break free from the traditional roles of motherhood and homemaker and assert their individualities in their due roles in the social and political upheavals of the times..

  • Who is Shakuntala in the Difficult Daughters?

    In addition to this, Virmati longs to have independence, she wants to have her own space and freedom and her own identity.
    Shakuntala, Virmati's cousin is a symbol of modernity whom Virmati inspires a lot.
    Kapur portrays Shakuntala as an independent, defiant, and assertive girl..

  • Who is the narrator of the Difficult Daughters?

    The narrator, Ida, is a difficult daughter and she explores the life of her mother in the novel.
    Kapur uses three generations of daughters, who exhibit three sets of notions..

  • In addition to this, Virmati longs to have independence, she wants to have her own space and freedom and her own identity.
    Shakuntala, Virmati's cousin is a symbol of modernity whom Virmati inspires a lot.
    Kapur portrays Shakuntala as an independent, defiant, and assertive girl.
  • The narrator, Ida, is a difficult daughter and she explores the life of her mother in the novel.
    Kapur uses three generations of daughters, who exhibit three sets of notions.
  • Themes such as feminism, diaspora, gender relations, and lesbianism characterize the essays written by Manju Kapur.
    The Eurasia Commonwealth Competition handed out her first prize to her for Difficult Daughters that year as well.
It is essentially a feminist love story, which paints complex and powerful characters at the backdrop of those turbulent times. The novel sings the struggles of 
The novel revolves around the aspirations and attempts of female characters like Virmati, Ida, Shakuntala and Swarnalata, who break free from the traditional roles of motherhood and homemaker and assert their individualities in their due roles in the social and political upheavals of the times.
The title of the novel 'Difficult Daughters' is an indication to the message that a woman, who tries in search of an identity, is branded as a difficult daughter by the family and the society as well. The story tells how she is torn between family duty, the desire for education and elicit love..
Difficult daughters analysis
Difficult daughters analysis
A Prayer for my Daughter is a poem by William Butler Yeats written in 1919 and published in 1921 as part of Yeats' collection Michael Robartes and the Dancer.
It is written to Anne, his daughter with Georgie Hyde Lees, whom Yeats married after his last marriage proposal to Maud Gonne was rejected in 1916.
Yeats composed the poem while staying in a tower at Thoor Ballylee during the Anglo-Irish War, two days after Anne's birth on 26 February 1919.
The poem reflects Yeats's complicated views on Irish Nationalism, sexuality, and is considered an important work of Modernist poetry.


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