Real or complex analysis first

  • Should I learn real or complex analysis first?

    If you are not already pretty comfortable with ε-δ proofs, sequences, series, and functional limits, then more primer on the basics of analysis would serve you well.
    Beyond mathematical maturity and these basics there isn't much needed specifically from real analysis to take on complex analysis.Jan 16, 2012.

  • In the 18th century, Euler introduced the notion of a mathematical function.
    Real analysis began to emerge as an independent subject when Bernard Bolzano introduced the modern definition of continuity in 1816, but Bolzano's work did not become widely known until the 1870s.
Jan 16, 2012Beyond mathematical maturity and these basics there isn't much needed specifically from real analysis to take on complex analysis. (In  Prerequisites to learn Complex AnalysisThe next step in learning real & complex analysisCalculus, real analysis and complex analysisWhat sequence should I study these topics in? [closed]More results from
Jan 16, 2012Beyond mathematical maturity and these basics there isn't much needed specifically from real analysis to take on complex analysis. (In  Prerequisites to learn Complex AnalysisThe next step in learning real & complex analysisCalculus, real analysis and complex analysisHow do I study Stein & Shakarchi's Complex AnalysisMore results from
If you are not already pretty comfortable with ε-δ proofs, sequences, series, and functional limits, then more primer on the basics of analysis would serve you well. Beyond mathematical maturity and these basics there isn't much needed specifically from real analysis to take on complex analysis.
You can learn complex analysis without having taken real analysis; however, it is traditional to take complex analysis after real analysis, and this is not without reason.


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