Complex numbers ib

  • What is 2i in complex number?

    The absolute value of the complex number, 2i, is 2.
    We can put the complex number, 2i, in the form a + bi by letting a = 0.
    That is, 2i = 0 + 2i.
    Therefore, a = 0 and b = 2..

Complex Numbers, Operations with complex numbers – IB Mathematics HL. The sum (or the difference) of two complex numbers is the complex number which its real part is made up of the sum (or the difference) of their real parts and its imaginary parts are made up of the sum (or the difference) of their imaginary parts.
The complex number is in the form of a+ib, where a = real number and ib = imaginary number. Also, a,b belongs to real numbers and i = √-1. Hence, a complex number is a simple representation of addition of two numbers, i.e., real number and an imaginary number.
Two complex numbers are equal if their corresponding real parts and imaginary parts are equal. Therefore, z=(x+4)^2+ 


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