Complexity theory definition in simple words

  • Complexity as a systems concept.
    In everyday parlance a system, animate or inanimate, that is composed of many interacting components whose behaviour or structure is difficult to understand is frequently called complex.
    Sometimes a system may be structurally complex, like a mechanical clock, but behave very simply.
  • Complexity theory, as I described in my last article, is the science that studies large systems that are in constant states of change.
    It is based on.
    Self Organizational Systems Theory.
    Chaotic or Emergent Systems.
Solomonoff's theory of inductive inference is a mathematical theory of induction introduced by Ray Solomonoff, based on probability theory and theoretical computer science.
In essence, Solomonoff's induction derives the posterior probability of any computable theory, given a sequence of observed data.
This posterior probability is derived from Bayes' rule and some universal prior, that is, a prior that assigns a positive probability to any computable theory.


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