Complexity theory words

  • What are the key words of system theory?

    The twelve basic terms of systems theory-system, element, relation, function, structure, organization, feedback, Black Box, model, input-output analysis, trial-and-error method, simulation-are given general definitions and are also interpreted in terms of chemical analysis..

  • What do you mean by complexity theory?

    noun. the study of complex and chaotic systems and how order, pattern, and structure can arise from them. the theory that processes having a large number of seemingly independent agents can spontaneously order themselves into a coherent system..

Oct 7, 2017The word “complex” implies diversity, through a great number, and wide variety of interdependent, yet autonomous parts.
A property of dynamical systems in which different stable states can co-exist depending on both the system's history and current trajectory. information theory.
The meaning of COMPLEXITY THEORY is a field of study shared by mathematics and computer science that is concerned with how the computational complexity of 


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