Complexity approach to phonological treatment

  • In which treatment approach can the principles of the complexity approach be applied?

    The complexity approach for speech/articulation therapy is a relatively new treatment approach for articulation disorders..

  • What are the levels of complexity phonological awareness?

    The levels become more complex as students progress from the word level to syllables, to onset and rime, and then to phonemes.
    Notice the arrow along the left-hand side.
    Students progress down each level—learning increasingly more complex skills within a level..

  • What is complexity approach for phonological processes?

    This article is referencing the complexity approach, which broadly suggests that more complex targets should be prioritized for treatment because that will trigger change in more complex and less complex aspects of speech or language..

  • What is complexity approaches?

    This article is referencing the complexity approach, which broadly suggests that more complex targets should be prioritized for treatment because that will trigger change in more complex and less complex aspects of speech or language..

  • What is the complexity approach phonology?

    The Complexity Approach is an intervention for children with phonological impairments.
    It targets later developing and complex clusters (vs. earlier developing sounds) as research has shown that this can facilitate a greater system-wide change..

  • Why do we use complexity approach?

    This article is referencing the complexity approach, which broadly suggests that more complex targets should be prioritized for treatment because that will trigger change in more complex and less complex aspects of speech or language..

  • Four Types of Phonological Approaches:

    Minimal Pairs.
    Minimal pairs are two words that differ in pronunciation by one sound or feature. Multiple Oppositions. Maximal Oppositions. Empty Set.
  • The levels become more complex as students progress from the word level to syllables, to onset and rime, and then to phonemes.
    Notice the arrow along the left-hand side.
    Students progress down each level—learning increasingly more complex skills within a level.
Jul 5, 2018Taken together, treatment of /fr/, /θr/, or /ʃr/ is the most complex treatment option for this child and is predicted to produce the greatest  Skip main navigationAbstractConsonant ClustersSingleton Probe
Jul 5, 2018Within a complexity approach, targets are selected for treatment based on characteristics of the targets (e.g., developmental norms,  AbstractConsonant SingletonsConsonant ClustersSingleton Probe
Jul 5, 2018Within a complexity approach, targets are selected for treatment based on characteristics of the targets (e.g., developmental norms,  Skip main navigationAbstractConsonant ClustersSingleton Probe
What is the purpose of the complexity approach?
  • create system-wide changes with a "trickle down" effect.
  • by working on later developing, more complex sounds, progress will generalize to other "earlier" developing sounds.
  • treatment is typically shorter than traditional speech therapy.
The dual-route theory of reading aloud was first described in the early 1970s.
This theory suggests that two separate mental mechanisms, or cognitive routes, are involved in reading aloud, with output of both mechanisms contributing to the pronunciation of a written stimulus.


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