Logspace complexity theory

  • What is a logarithmic space?

    We define logspace, L, to be the class of languages decided by deterministic Turing machines which use at most O(log n) tape squares.
    Similarly, NL is defined using nondeterministic Turing machines with the same space bound..

  • What is Dspace in complexity theory?

    In computational complexity theory, DSPACE or SPACE is the computational resource describing the resource of memory space for a deterministic Turing machine.
    It represents the total amount of memory space that a "normal" physical computer would need to solve a given computational problem with a given algorithm..

  • What is space complexity in theory of computation?

    The space complexity of an algorithm or a computer program is the amount of memory space required to solve an instance of the computational problem as a function of characteristics of the input.
    It is the memory required by an algorithm until it executes completely..

  • What is the logarithmic time complexity class?

    In computational complexity, the logarithmic time hierarchy (LH) is the complexity class of all computational problems solvable in a logarithmic amount of computation time on an alternating Turing machine with a bounded number of alternations.
    It is a particular case of a bounded alternating Turing machine hierarchy..

  • The space complexity of an algorithm or a computer program is the amount of memory space required to solve an instance of the computational problem as a function of characteristics of the input.
    It is the memory required by an algorithm until it executes completely.
  • The time complexity of an algorithm represents the number of steps it has to take to complete.
    The space complexity of an algorithm represents the amount of memory the algorithm needs in order to work.
    The time complexity of an algorithm describes how many steps an algorithm needs to take with respect to the input.
"Logspace" redirects here. Not to be confused with Logscale. In computational complexity theory, L (also known as LSPACE or DLOGSPACE) is the complexity  Complete problems and Related complexity classesOther uses
The main idea of logspace is that one can store a polynomial-magnitude number in logspace and use it to remember pointers to a position of the input. The logspace class is therefore useful to model computation where the input is too big to fit in the RAM of a computer.
The main idea of logspace is that one can store a polynomial-magnitude number in logspace and use it to remember pointers to a position of the input. The  Complete problems and Related complexity classesOther uses


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