Computational statistics definition

  • What is computational data?

    Computational data includes "the results from executing a computer model or simulation.".

  • What is the meaning of computer statistics?

    Computational statistics or statistical computing focuses on the bond between statistics and computer science to transform raw data into knowledge.
    You could consider it to be the interface between statistics and computer science..

  • What is the meaning of statistical computing?

    What is meant by computational statistics? Computational statistics or statistical computing focuses on the bond between statistics and computer science to transform raw data into knowledge.
    You could consider it to be the interface between statistics and computer science..

  • Definition.
    Computational data includes "the results from executing a computer model or simulation."
Computational statistics concerns the development and use of computer algorithms to provide numerical solutions to problems in statistics that are analytically difficult or intractable.
Computational statistics, or statistical computing, is the bond between statistics and computer science, and refers to the statistical methods that are enabled  HistoryMethodsReferencesFurther reading
In computational biology, N50 and L50 are statistics of a set of contig or scaffold lengths.
The N50 is similar to a mean or median of lengths, but has greater weight given to the longer contigs.
It is used widely in genome assembly, especially in reference to contig lengths within a draft assembly.
There are also the related U50, UL50, UG50, UG50%, N90, NG50, and D50 statistics.

Reciprocal of the statistical variance

In statistics, the precision matrix or concentration matrix is the matrix inverse of the covariance matrix or dispersion matrix, mwe-math-element>.
For univariate distributions, the precision matrix degenerates into a scalar precision, defined as the reciprocal of the variance, mwe-math-element


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