Computational statistics lab

  • What is a statistic lab?

    A Tool for Educating Statistics
    The Statistical Lab is an explorative and interactive tool designed both to support education in statistics and provide a tool for the simulation and solution of statistical problems.
    The graphical user interface is designed to make complex statistical relations easy to understand..

  • In an analytical work, the most important operation is the comparison of data, to quantify accuracy and precision and to generate meaningful explanation for clinician and patients queries.
    Most of the information needed in the regular laboratory work can be obtained with the use of simple convenient statistical tools.
  • The difference between the two fields is focus.
    Statistics of very much about inference and understanding, whereas machine learning is very much about prediction.
    Although, of course, there is overlap.
    But these differences are pretty much the root of all the other differences described in other answers in that link.
As in traditional statistics the goal is to transform raw data into knowledge, but the focus lies on computer intensive statistical methods, such as cases with 
Computational statistics, or statistical computing, is the bond between statistics and computer science, and refers to the statistical methods that are 
The Laboratory for Computational and Statistical Learning (LCSL) is one of the research units within MaLGa, the machine learning center of the University of 
The particular subset for a problem at hand is obtained through standard statistical variable subset selection, treating tpe basis functions as the "variables".


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Computational statistics models
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Computational statistics notes
Computational statistics notes pdf
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Computational statistics oxford
Statistical and computational trade-offs in kernel k-means
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