Evolutionary biology quotes

  • How important is evolutionary biology?

    It helps us understand phenomena in fields as diverse as genetics, ecology, and physiology.
    This knowledge is important not just from a scientific perspective, but from a practical one as well..

  • What are some quotes about evolutionary biology?

    “The theory of evolution is quite rightly called the greatest unifying theory in biology.” “Evolution is amazingly versatile in adapting the materials at hand to other uses.” “Believing as I do in evolution, I merely believe that it is the method by which God created, and is still creating, life on earth.”.

  • What do evolutionary biologists believe?

    Evolution holds that all species are related and gradually change over generations.
    In a population, the genetic variations affect the phenotypes (physical characteristics) of an organism.
    These changes in the phenotypes will be an advantage to some organisms, which will then be passed onto their offspring..

  • What does biology say about evolution?

    Evolution is the change in heritable traits of biological populations over successive generations.
    Evolutionary processes give rise to diversity at every biological organization level.
    All life on earth shares a common ancestor known as the last universal ancestor..

  • What does biology say about evolution?

    Evolutionary biology is the subfield of biology that studies the evolutionary processes (natural selection, common descent, speciation) that produced the diversity of life on Earth.
    It is also defined as the study of the history of life forms on Earth..

  • What does evolutionary biology refer to?

    evolution, theory in biology postulating that the various types of plants, animals, and other living things on Earth have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modifications in successive generations..

  • What is a famous quote about the theory of evolution?

    Evolution is the change in heritable traits of biological populations over successive generations.
    Evolutionary processes give rise to diversity at every biological organization level.
    All life on earth shares a common ancestor known as the last universal ancestor..

  • What is an interesting quote about evolution?

    Our greatest human adventure is the evolution of consciousness.
    We are in this life to enlarge the soul, liberate the spirit, and light up the brain.
    The point of human evolution is adapting to circumstance.
    Not letting go of the old, but adapting it, is necessary..

  • What is the philosophy of evolutionary biology?

    Philosophy of evolutionary biology is a major subfield of philosophy of biology concerned with the methods, conceptual foundations, and implications of evolutionary biology..

  • Why evolution is true quotes?

    We are the one creature to whom natural selection has bequeathed a brain complex enough to comprehend the laws that govern the universe.
    And we should be proud that we are the only species that has figured how we came to be..

  • Charles Darwin is considered as the 'father of evolutionary biology'.
    He gave the theory of natural selection for evolution and established that the current species of organisms have all originated from common ancestral species.
  • evolution, theory in biology postulating that the various types of plants, animals, and other living things on Earth have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modifications in successive generations.
  • Evolutionary biology is a branch of biology where scientists examine the evolutionary processes (natural selection, common descent, and speciation) that led to the current biodiversity of organisms on our planet.
  • Our greatest human adventure is the evolution of consciousness.
    We are in this life to enlarge the soul, liberate the spirit, and light up the brain.
    The point of human evolution is adapting to circumstance.
    Not letting go of the old, but adapting it, is necessary.
Individuals are not stable things, they are fleeting. Chromosomes too are shuffled into oblivion, like hands of cards soon after they are dealt. But the cards themselves survive the shuffling.
Prediction in a complex world is a chancy business. Every decision that a survival machine takes is a gamble, and it is the business of genes to program brains 
“The theory of evolution is quite rightly called the greatest unifying theory in biology.” “Evolution is amazingly versatile in adapting the materials at hand to other uses.” “Believing as I do in evolution, I merely believe that it is the method by which God created, and is still creating, life on earth.”

Effects on human societies of the scientific explanation of life's diversity

The social effects of evolutionary thought have been considerable.
As the scientific explanation of life's diversity has developed, it has often displaced alternative, sometimes very widely held, explanations.
Because the theory of evolution includes an explanation of humanity's origins, it has had a profound impact on human societies.
Some have vigorously denied acceptance of the scientific explanation due to its perceived religious implications.
This has led to a vigorous conflict between creation and evolution in public education, primarily in the United States.


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