Computational biology ubc

  • Bioinformatics graduate programs

    Computational biology is as hard as you want it to be.
    You can do computational biology with relatively little data and little computational effort because it's easy to get a lot of data from public databases and a lot of tools that are ready to use (you just have to import your data and run the program)..

  • How much is the bioinformatics stipend at UBC?

    Students accepted into the Bioinformatics graduate program (, receive a minimum stipend of CDN$27,900 per year, plus a yearly $1000 travel allowance, for attending conferences or workshops..

  • Is computational biology the same as bioinformatics?

    Students accepted into the Bioinformatics graduate program (, receive a minimum stipend of CDN$27,900 per year, plus a yearly $1000 travel allowance, for attending conferences or workshops..

The program integrates academic centres in computer science, statistics, molecular biology, and biotechnology, with trasnlational research groups at hospitals  FacultyApplicationCurriculumOur Students
The program integrates academic centres in computer science, statistics, molecular biology, and biotechnology, with trasnlational research groups at hospitals  FacultyApplicationCurriculumProgram
Welcome to UBC Bioinformatics Graduate Program The Bioinformatics Graduate Program offers M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees to students doing research in the field of  FacultyApplicationCurriculumProgram


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