Evolutionary biology lecture

  • What are the basics of evolutionary biology?

    Evolutionary biology is the subfield of biology that studies the evolutionary processes (natural selection, common descent, speciation) that produced the diversity of life on Earth.
    It is also defined as the study of the history of life forms on Earth..

  • What do you learn in evolutionary biology class?

    In Evolutionary Biology, some of the things you will learn are: analysis of genomic data. behaviour of genetic variation in populations. animal diversity and the processes that have led to this diversity..

  • What do you learn in evolutionary biology class?

    These include speciation, the evolution of sexual reproduction, the evolution of cooperation, the evolution of ageing, and evolvability..

  • Where do evolutionary biologists work?

    In Evolutionary Biology, some of the things you will learn are: analysis of genomic data. behaviour of genetic variation in populations. animal diversity and the processes that have led to this diversity..

  • Why is it important to understand biological evolution?

    Studying evolution not only helps us understand why we're healthy, it can help us stay that way by guiding the development of approaches to prevent and treat many different types of diseases..

  • An understanding of evolution has been essential in finding and using natural resources, such as fossil fuels, and it will be indispensable as human societies strive to establish sustainable relationships with the natural environment.
    Such examples can be multiplied many times.
  • [biological evolution] is change in the properties of groups of organisms over the course of generations…it embraces everything from slight changes in the proportions of different forms of a gene within a population to the alterations that led from the earliest organism to dinosaurs, bees, oaks, and humans. (
Mar 11, 2021Anthropology has much to offer to this debate. This lecture explores how the domestication of plants and animals provides an ideal model system 
The lecture presents an overview of evolutionary biology and its two major components, microevolution and macroevolution. The idea of evolution goes back 

Cases in which an evolved, and presumably adaptive, trait has suddenly become maladaptive

The term evolutionary trap has retained several definitions associated with different biological disciplines.


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