3d computational geometry library

  • What is the application of computational geometry in computer graphics?

    This geometry is used both to compute positions and to create images and videos of this process using the techniques of computer graphics.
    Their work has built upon theoretical developments relating to the Delaunay triangulation, and the data structure of [20] is central to their implementation..

The library offers data structures and algorithms like triangulations, Voronoi diagrams, Boolean operations on polygons and polyhedra, point set processing, 
3d computational geometry library
3d computational geometry library
The Point Cloud Library (PCL) is an open-source library of algorithms for point cloud processing tasks and 3D geometry processing, such as occur in three-dimensional computer vision.
The library contains algorithms for filtering, feature estimation, surface reconstruction, 3D registration, model fitting, object recognition, and segmentation.
Each module is implemented as a smaller library that can be compiled separately.
PCL has its own data format for storing point clouds - PCD, but also allows datasets to be loaded and saved in many other formats.
It is written in C++ and released under the BSD license.


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