Computational geometry problems

  • What is geometric problems in computer science?

    Geometric Problems:
    One of the key goals of computational geometry is to find efficient solutions to geometric problems that arise in various fields.
    Some common geometric problems include: The intersection of two lines or planes.
    Convex hull of a set of points.
    Triangulation of a polygon.Oct 1, 2023.

Some common geometric problems include:
  • The intersection of two lines or planes.
  • Convex hull of a set of points.
  • Triangulation of a polygon.
  • Voronoi diagram of a set of points.
  • Delaunay triangulation of a set of points.
  • Point location in a planar subdivision.
Some fundamental problems of this type are:
  • Convex hull: Given a set of points, find the smallest convex polyhedron/polygon containing all the points.
  • Line segment intersection: Find the intersections between a given set of line segments.
  • Delaunay triangulation.
In geometric query problems, commonly known as geometric search problems, the input consists of two parts: the search space part and the query part, which  Combinatorial computational Numerical computational List of algorithms
Many problems in computational geometry come from application areas (such as pattern recognition, computer graphics, operations research, computer-aided design, robotics, etc.)


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