Computational methods in applied mathematics

  • How long does computational methods in applied mathematics review take?

    Duration from Submission to Acceptance
    Based on the Computational and Applied Mathematics Review Speed Feedback System, it takes editor 452.0 days to accept manuscript..

  • What is computational applied mathematics?

    Computational applied mathematics studies important scientific problems through a combination of science (experiments and underlying scientific theories), applied mathematics (techniques and theories) and computation (software and hardware)..

  • What is the impact factor of computational methods in applied mathematics?

    The 2022-2023 Journal's Impact IF of Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics is 1.489, which is just updated in 2023..

  • Computational applied mathematics studies important scientific problems through a combination of science (experiments and underlying scientific theories), applied mathematics (techniques and theories) and computation (software and hardware).
  • Duration from Submission to Acceptance
    Based on the Computational and Applied Mathematics Review Speed Feedback System, it takes editor 452.0 days to accept manuscript.
  • One of the most basic examples of the power of computational mathematics is the use of logic gates, which are resident on any microprocessor.
    The logic gates are the computer's operational pathways that direct circuit board activity and provide for all computation based on inputs.
About this journal. The highly selective international mathematical journal Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics (CMAM) considers original mathematical  Computational Methods in Volume 1 Issue 2Ahead of Print / Just Accepted
CMAM seeks to be interdisciplinary while retaining the common thread of numerical analysis, it is intended to be readily readable and meant for a wide circle of  Computational Methods in Volume 1 Issue 2Ahead of Print / Just Accepted


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