Computational methods viva questions

  • What is the Secant Method also known as?

    What is the other name of the secant method? The 2-point method is also known as the Secant Method..

  • Which method has slow convergence?

    I'm using Newton's method to find the root of the equation 12x2+x+1−ex=0 with x0=1.
    Clearly the root is x=0, but it takes many iterations to reach this root..

  • Answer: System Simulation is considered to be a numerical computation technique used in conjunction with dynamic mathematical models.
    Explanation: The numerical techniques as we know are a wide range of techniques that are used to solve various equations with the help of computational procedures of course.
  • Explanation: Numerical techniques more commonly involve an iteration method due to the degree of accuracy involved.
    This is because iterations reduce the approximation errors which may occur in numerical problems.
    They perform sequential operations which in turn increases the accuracy.
Rating 5.0 (4) 8) What do you mean by data errors? 9) What do you mean by conversion errors? 10) What do you mean by numerical errors? 11) What do you mean by round off errorsĀ 


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