Non computational methods

Nov 26, 2020It is often claimed that computational methods for examining textual data give good enough party position estimates at a fraction of theĀ 
Nov 26, 2020We have compared the performance of two computational and four non-computational methods in party position estimation, deriving the comparisonĀ 

Generating pseudo-random numbers that follow a probability distribution

Non-uniform random variate generation or pseudo-random number sampling is the numerical practice of generating pseudo-random numbers (PRN) that follow a given probability distribution.
Methods are typically based on the availability of a uniformly distributed PRN generator.
Computational algorithms are then used to manipulate a single random variate, X, or often several such variates, into a new random variate Y such that these values have the required distribution.
The first methods were developed for Monte-Carlo simulations in the Manhattan project, published by John von Neumann in the early 1950s.


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