Computational physics arxiv

  • Is arXiv owned by Cornell?

    arXiv was founded by Paul Ginsparg in 1991 and is now maintained and operated by Cornell Tech..

  • Is arXiv run by Cornell?

    arXiv was founded by Paul Ginsparg in 1991 and is now maintained and operated by Cornell Tech.
    Operations are maintained by the arXiv Leadership Team and arXiv staff at Cornell University..

  • Where is arXiv located?

    Operations are maintained by the arXiv Leadership Team and arXiv staff at Cornell University.
    Governance of arXiv is led by the Leadership Team with guidance from the arXiv Editorial Advisory Council, Institutions Advisory Council, and Science Advisory Council..

  • arXiv was founded by Paul Ginsparg in 1991 and is now maintained and operated by Cornell Tech.
    Operations are maintained by the arXiv Leadership Team and arXiv staff at Cornell University.
Authors and titles for recent submissionsFri, 3 Nov 2023Thu, 2 Nov 2023Wed, 1 Nov 2023Tue, 31 Oct 2023Mon, 30 Oct 2023.
Subjects: Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph); Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM); Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci); High 


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