Computational physics with c++

  • Do physicists use C++?

    Due to the broad class of problems computational physics deals, it is an essential component of modern research in different areas of physics, namely: accelerator physics, astrophysics, general theory of relativity (through numerical relativity), fluid mechanics (computational fluid dynamics), lattice field theory/ .

  • What is the best programming language for computational physics?

    The C++ language is introduced through a series of example programs rel- evant to high energy physicists.
    The course introduces basic syntax, object orientated programming, the Standard Template Library, interfacing with FORTRAN and high energy packages HepMC, HepPDT, and ROOT..

  • Where can I use my C++ skills?

    Here are some interesting areas where C++ is popularly used.

    Operating Systems.
    C++ is a fast and strongly-typed programming language which makes it an ideal choice for developing operating systems. Games. GUI Based Applications. Web Browsers. Embedded Systems. Banking Applications. Compilers. Database Management Software..

  • Why do we need computational physics?

    In summary, the conversation suggests that for a physics/astrophysics major, C++ is a better language to learn than C.
    Fortran is also useful for simulations and can be a good combination with C++.
    There are two schools of thought on scientific programming, with some favoring C++ and others favoring Fortran..

OOP describes an approach to programming where a program is viewed as a collection of interacting, but mostly independent software components. These software  Getting Started, compiling and Brief summary
Performance: Scientific computations might require top-notch performance. C++ allows for very low level control over the hardware and has many possibilities for micro-optimization while still providing high-level abstraction. Of course, this is also the reason that C++ is quite complicated.


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