Application of computational physics in real life

  • What is an example of computational science in real life?

    Today virtually every branch of the physical and natural sciences makes extensive use of computational modeling.
    Examples of problems being investigated computationally include global warming, molecular dynamics, galactic evolution, monetary policy, plate tectonics, and airplane design, to name just a few..

  • What is the application of computational science where it is used in real life situation?

    Computational science application programs often model real-world changing conditions, such as weather, airflow around a plane, automobile body distortions in a crash, the motion of stars in a galaxy, an explosive device, etc..

large-scale calculations in fields like hydrodynamics, astrophysics, plasma physics, meteorology and geophysics. simulation and modelling of complex physical systems like those in condensed matter physics, medical physics and industrial applications. experimental data processing and image processing.


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