Particle physics computational biology

  • How is particle physics useful?

    Biomedical scientists use particle physics technologies to decipher the structure of proteins, information that is key to understanding biological processes and healing disease..

  • What are the computational methods in particle physics?

    The main fields of computational particle physics are: lattice field theory (numerical computations), automatic calculation of particle interaction or decay (computer algebra) and event generators (stochastic methods)..

  • What is computational physics in particle physics?

    Research in particle physics within the Standard Model of particle interactions and its possible extensions including dark matter, using numerical simulations and high performance supercomputers..

  • What is particle physics in computer science?

    Particle physics is an important field of application for computer algebra and exploits the capabilities of Computer Algebra Systems (CAS).
    This leads to valuable feed-back for the development of CAS.
    Looking at the history of computer algebra systems, the first programs date back to the 1960s..

  • What is the concept of particle physics?

    The Standard Model of Particle Physics is scientists' current best theory to describe the most basic building blocks of the universe.
    It explains how particles called quarks (which make up protons and neutrons) and leptons (which include electrons) make up all known matter..

  • What is the relationship between physics and computer science?

    Physics and Computer Science are two complementary fields.
    Physics provides an analytic problem-solving outlook and basic understanding of nature, while computer science enhances the ability to make practical and marketable applications, in addition to having its own theoretical interest..

  • Where is particle physics used?

    Biomedical scientists use particle physics technologies to decipher the structure of proteins, information that is key to understanding biological processes and healing disease..

  • Why do we need to study particle physics?

    Why do we study particle physics? Particle physics is the study of the fundamental particulate constituents of nature.
    Our knowledge of these constituents is important to understand the laws that shape our universe, how they manifest their will, and why things are the way they are..

  • A particle physicist is someone who studies how these particles exist and interact.
    Such particles are for example the photon, the electron and the quarks, but also the mysterious Higgs boson, which gives mass to all elementary particles.
  • Biomedical scientists use particle physics technologies to decipher the structure of proteins, information that is key to understanding biological processes and healing disease.
  • Particle physics is a journey into the heart of matter.
    Everything in the universe, from stars and planets, to you and the chair that you're sitting on, is made from the same basic building blocks, particles of matter.
    Some particles were last seen only billionths of a second after the Big Bang.
Computational particle physics refers to the methods and computing tools developed in and used by particle physics research. Like computational chemistry orĀ 


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