Computational intelligence techniques

  • What are computational models of intelligence?

    Computational Intelligence (CI) is the theory, design, application and development of biologically and linguistically motivated computational paradigms.
    Traditionally the three main pillars of CI have been Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Evolutionary Computation..

  • What is a computational intelligence system?

    Computational intelligence (CI) is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) that deals with the design and development of intelligent computer systems.
    CI techniques are used in a variety of AI applications such as machine learning, natural language processing, image recognition, and robotics..

  • What is an example of computational intelligence?

    The primary applications of computational intelligence include robotics, image processing, natural language processing, autonomous navigation, medical diagnosis and fault detection.
    By utilising these approaches, it has become possible for machines to replicate human behaviour more effectively than ever before..

  • What is intelligence technique?

    Intelligent Techniques.
    Intelligence techniques may be used for: Capturing individual and collective knowledge and extending a knowledge base, using artificial intelligence and database technologies.
    Capturing tacit knowledge, using expert systems, case-based reasoning, and fuzzy logic..

  • Intelligent systems are technologically advanced machines that perceive and respond to the world around them.
    Intelligent systems can take many forms, from automated vacuums such as the Roomba to facial recognition programs to Amazon's personalized shopping suggestions.
  • The main applications of Computational Intelligence include computer science, engineering, data analysis and bio-medicine.
The five main principles of CI and its applications
  • Fuzzy logic.
  • Neural networks.
  • Evolutionary computation.
  • Learning theory.
  • Probabilistic methods.
The expression computational intelligence (CI) usually refers to the ability of a computer to learn a specific task from data or experimental observation.HistoryDifference between The five main principles of CI
The five main principles of CI and its applications editFuzzy logicNeural networksEvolutionary computationLearning theoryProbabilistic methodsĀ  HistoryDifference between The five main principles of CI

Programming techniques in computational intelligence

Computational heuristic intelligence (CHI) refers to specialized programming techniques in computational intelligence.
These techniques have the express goal of avoiding complexity issues, also called NP-hard problems, by using human-like techniques.
They are best summarized as the use of exemplar-based methods (heuristics), rather than rule-based methods (algorithms).
Hence the term is distinct from the more conventional computational algorithmic intelligence, or symbolic AI.
An example of a CHI technique is the encoding specificity principle of Tulving and Thompson.
In general, CHI principles are problem solving techniques used by people, rather than programmed into machines.
It is by drawing attention to this key distinction that the use of this term is justified in a field already replete with confusing neologisms.
Note that the legal systems of all modern human societies employ both heuristics from individual trial records as well as legislated statutes (rules) as regulatory guides.


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