Computational media examples

  • What is a computational media?

    Computational media includes the creation, enhancement, and study of media forms for which computational processes enable deeply interactive and generative experiences, as well as the use of computation to understand and assist creation of media broadly..

  • What is a computational media?

    Computational media includes the creation, enhancement, and study of media forms for which computational processes enable deeply interactive and generative experiences, as well as the use of computation to understand and assist creation of media broadly.Jul 13, 2018.

  • What is an example of a computational system?

    There are various types of computational systems present, for example, the ones used for medical purposes like an x-ray machine or for educational purposes like a scientific calculator or for economic purposes like a banking system..

  • What is computational media design?

    Computational Media Design is a leading-edge program designed for students innovating at the intersection of art, music, dance, drama, design and computer science..

  • What is computational media?

    The Computational Media Department (CM) engages in boundary-pushing research and education that integrates technical, interpretive, and design work to create human-centered media that address complex problems for societal impact..

  • What is media computer science?

    What is it? Media Computer Science is an interdisciplinary degree program that combines computer science with design qualifications as well as mathematics, law and economics.
    The focus is on a practice-oriented, sound and broad education in computer science, complemented by the areas mentioned above..

  • What is the difference between computational media and computer science?

    The most notable difference between CM and CS is that CM majors choose one computing thread and one liberal arts thread; the liberal arts thread being from either the School of Literature, Media, & Communication (LMC) or the School of Music..

  • Why computational media at Georgia Tech?

    The program offers a thorough education in all aspects of the computer as a medium: the technical, the historical-critical, and the applied.
    Program graduates will have both significant hands-on and theoretical knowledge of computing and an understanding of visual design and the history of media..

  • Computation is a general term for any type of information processing that can be represented mathematically.
    This includes phenomena ranging from simple calculations to human thinking.
    A device able to make computations is called computational system.
  • Computational Media Design is a leading-edge program designed for students innovating at the intersection of art, music, dance, drama, design and computer science.
  • Our program is based on a unique concept, Threads™ , a significant College of Computing innovation in undergraduate CS education.
    The curriculum builds on a base of fundamentals in programming and computational theory to allow each student the opportunity to explore a variety of computing paths in depth.
  • The program offers a thorough education in all aspects of the computer as a medium: the technical, the historical-critical, and the applied.
    Program graduates will have both significant hands-on and theoretical knowledge of computing and an understanding of visual design and the history of media.
Another way I like to put it is — computational media is the art of using the computer as a medium of expression, whether it be through designing and developing 
Computationally mediated screens (both large and small) have become a main source of information and means for communication. Large electronic billboards, smartwatches, virtual and augmented reality owe their popularization to the evolution and dissemination of computationally mediated screens.
In addition to games, other examples of computational media include social media, smart-phone apps, and virtual reality experiences. The common thread among all of them is that they require large amounts of computation and feature a level of interactivity that can only be created through computer technology.


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