Computed tomography exam

  • How do I prepare for CT exam?

    Depending on which part of your body is being scanned, you may be asked to:

    1. Take off some or all of your clothing and wear a hospital gown
    2. Remove metal objects, such as a belt, jewelry, dentures and eyeglasses, which might interfere with image results
    3. Refrain from eating or drinking for a few hours before your scan

  • What is CT examination room?

    CT stands for Computed Tomography.
    This is an examination where the body is placed in a large tube in the center of the CT apparatus which uses X-rays and computer processing to examine and image the state inside the body..

  • What is the purpose of CT test?

    A CT scan can be used to visualize nearly all parts of the body and is used to diagnose disease or injury as well as to plan medical, surgical or radiation treatment.Jan 6, 2022.

  • CT scans are useful because they help doctors diagnose problems by creating very clear images of internal organs.
    The detailed images help identify problems inside the body, like tumors or damage to organs.
  • Don't eat for four hours before your CT scan.
    Drink only clear liquids (like water, juice or tea) in the two hours leading up to your appointment.
    Wear comfortable clothes and remove any metal jewelry or clothing.
    Your provider may give you a hospital gown to wear.Jun 13, 2023
Computed Tomography (CT) exams help physicians diagnose a range of conditions by producing images of internal organs and structures of the body.
In CT, the X-ray beam moves in a circle around the body. This allows many different views of the same organ or structure and provides much greater detail. The X-ray information is sent to a computer that interprets the X-ray data and displays it in two-dimensional form on a monitor.


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