Computed tomography physics

  • What is CAT scanner in physics?

    Computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan machines produce X-rays, a powerful form of electromagnetic energy.
    X-ray photons are basically the same thing as visible light photons, but they have much more energy..

  • What is the basic principle of tomography?

    CT uses ionizing radiation, or x-rays, coupled with an electronic detector array to record a pattern of densities and create an image of a “slice” or “cut” of tissue.
    The x-ray beam rotates around the object within the scanner such that multiple x-ray projections pass through the object (Fig 1).

  • What is the physics of computed tomography?

    To acquire a CT image, an object is placed on a table.
    An X-ray source (within the gantry of a CT scanner) rotates around the object, and X-rays which pass through the object are detected on the opposite side.
    The detections acquired at different angles are sent to the data acquisition system (DAS)..

  • Radiology departments are major energy consumers within a hospital through operation of CT and MRI scanners, which require energy in the range of 0.5–30 kWh per examination, with peak consumption reaching beyond 100 kW for a short time period.
As the x-rays leave the patient, they are picked up by the detectors and transmitted to a computer. Each time the x-ray source completes one full rotation, the CT computer uses sophisticated mathematical techniques to construct a two-dimensional image slice of the patient.
Computed tomography (CT) was the first non-invasive radiological method allowing the generation of tomographic images of every part of the human body  IntroductionPresent Status of CT Spiral CTElectron Beam Techniques


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