Computed tomography doctor

  • What is called CT scan doctor?

    A radiologist (a physician who specializes in reading and interpreting CT scans and other radiologic exams) will review your scan and prepare a report that explains the findings.
    In an emergency setting, like a hospital or emergency room, healthcare providers often receive results within an hour.Jun 13, 2023.

  • What is the medical use of computed tomography?

    CT scans can be used to identify disease or injury within various regions of the body.
    For example, CT has become a useful screening tool for detecting possible tumors or lesions within the abdomen.
    A CT scan of the heart may be ordered when various types of heart disease or abnormalities are suspected..

  • Why would a doctor order a CT scan instead of an MRI?

    A CT scan may be recommended if a patient can't have an MRI.
    People with metal implants, pacemakers or other implanted devices shouldn't have an MRI due to the powerful magnet inside the machine.
    CT scans create images of bones and soft tissues..

  • A computerized tomography (CT) scan of the head is an imaging test that is sometimes used to confirm a brain tumor diagnosis.
    This noninvasive procedure involves taking a series of X-rays from many different angles.
A CT scan is a diagnostic imaging exam that uses X-ray technology to produce images of the inside of the body.A CT scan can show detailed images of any part 


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