Computed tomography study guide

  • How do I prepare for a CT scan?

    The ARRT exam for the CT Registry is not easy, but with the right tools, you can successfully pass the test and move into a rewarding career.
    Leading up to test day, there are a few habits you'll want to include in your preparation techniques..

  • How do I study for CT?

    CT uses ionizing radiation, or x-rays, coupled with an electronic detector array to record a pattern of densities and create an image of a “slice” or “cut” of tissue..

  • How to learn CT scan?

    The ARRT exam for the CT Registry is not easy, but with the right tools, you can successfully pass the test and move into a rewarding career.
    Leading up to test day, there are a few habits you'll want to include in your preparation techniques..

  • What are the basic principles of CT?

    Don't eat for four hours before your CT scan.
    Drink only clear liquids (like water, juice or tea) in the two hours leading up to your appointment.
    Wear comfortable clothes and remove any metal jewelry or clothing.
    Your provider may give you a hospital gown to wear..


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