Computed tomography certification examination

  • How do I get my CT certificate?

    The ARRT exam for the CT Registry is not easy, but with the right tools, you can successfully pass the test and move into a rewarding career.
    Leading up to test day, there are a few habits you'll want to include in your preparation techniques..

  • How hard is the CT registry exam?

    How Long Is the CT Certificate Program? To accomplish ARRT requirements: Full-time: 6 months, about 576 clinical hours total.
    Part-time: 11 months, about 576 clinical hours total..

  • What are the requirements for obtaining CT certification?

    The ARRT exam for the CT Registry is not easy, but with the right tools, you can successfully pass the test and move into a rewarding career.
    Leading up to test day, there are a few habits you'll want to include in your preparation techniques..


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