Computed tomography facts

  • Mayer was the first to suggest in 1914 the idea of tomography.
    Bocage, Grossman and Vallebona all developed the idea further and built their own equipment.
    In 1931 Ziedses des Plantes published the most extensive and thorough study on tomography.
What is computed tomography (CT scan)?
  • CT scans are good at showing details of organs and other tissues in your brain, head, neck, chest, and belly.
  • CT scans give you more radiation than plain x-rays. It uses a low dose of x-ray radiation. X-rays show body parts according to how dense (solid) they are. Doctors
A CT scan uses a large machine shaped like a large donut to take x-rays from many angles. A computer then takes the x-rays and creates many detailed pictures of the inside of your body. Each picture looks like a slice taken from one part of your body. The computer can also create a 3-D image of the inside of your body.


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