Computed tomography for nasopharyngeal carcinoma

  • Can a CT scan detect nasopharyngeal cancer?

    Computed tomography is usually the first imaging method used to evaluate and staging nasopharyngeal tumors, as it can evaluate the size and extension of the tumor [26], assess areas that are not accessible from a clinical point of view [32], and can highlight the existence of bone involvement and metastatic lymph nodes .

  • Can a CT scan detect nasopharyngeal cancer?

    If a tumor starts under the lining of the nasopharynx (in the tissue called the submucosa), the doctor may not be able to see it.
    Because of this, imaging tests like CT or MRI scans (see below), may be needed..

  • Does CT scan detect nasopharyngeal cancer?

    Computed tomography is usually the first imaging method used to evaluate and staging nasopharyngeal tumors, as it can evaluate the size and extension of the tumor [26], assess areas that are not accessible from a clinical point of view [32], and can highlight the existence of bone involvement and metastatic lymph nodes Mar 31, 2019.

  • How is nasopharyngeal cancer detected?

    When an endoscopy is done to look into the nasopharynx, it is called a nasopharyngoscopy.
    A biopsy is the removal of a small amount of tissue for examination under a microscope.
    Other tests can suggest that cancer is present, but only a biopsy can make a definite diagnosis..

  • What are the CT scan findings for nasopharyngeal cancer?

    A CT scan of the head and neck can provide information about the size, shape, and position of a tumor, see if it's growing into nearby tissues, and can help find enlarged lymph nodes that might contain cancer.
    A CT scans can also look for cancer that may have grown into the bones at the base of the skull..

  • What are the diagnostic tests for nasopharyngeal carcinoma?

    Nasopharyngeal Cancer Diagnosis

    Nasopharyngoscopy: A nasopharyngoscopy may be performed to assist doctors in evaluating for nasopharyngeal cancer. Physical exam and history.Physical exam of the nose, face and neck.X-rays of the head and neck.MRI.Computed tomography (CT) scan.Positron emission tomography (PET) scan..

  • What diagnostic imaging is nasopharyngeal carcinoma?

    MRI is the modality of choice for tumor staging in nasopharyngeal carcinoma10 due to its exquisite soft tissue resolution, sensitivity to perineural spread and intracranial extension..

  • What diagnostic imaging is nasopharyngeal carcinoma?

    MRI is the modality of choice for tumor staging in nasopharyngeal carcinoma10 due to its exquisite soft tissue resolution, sensitivity to perineural spread and intracranial extension.May 24, 2023.

  • What is the MC site for nasopharyngeal carcinoma?

    The most common site of origin of NPC is the fossa of Rosenm\xfcller, which is located superior and posterior to the torus tubarius, the cartilage that surfaces the eustachian tubes superiorly and posteriorly [2].
    Due to proximity of the tumor to the eustachian tubes, ear pain is a frequent presenting symptom..

  • Tests to diagnose nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    1. Physical exam.
    2. Diagnosing nasopharyngeal carcinoma usually begins with a general examination.
    3. Exam using a camera to see inside your nasopharynx.
    4. If nasopharyngeal carcinoma is suspected, your doctor may recommend a nasal endoscopy.
    5. Test to remove a sample of suspicious cells
  • Screening for nasopharyngeal cancer using the EBV antibody test or EBV DNA test has been studied.
    These are laboratory tests used to check the blood for EBV antibodies or EBV DNA.
    If EBV antibodies or DNA are found in the blood more tests may be done to check for nasopharyngeal cancer.
  • The detection of NPC is based on clinical symptoms and physical examination, but a definitive diagnosis requires a biopsy of the lesion.
  • The most common site of origin is the lateral aspect of the nasopharynx and the fossa of Rosenmuller.
    Nasal symptoms: A subset of patients present with nasal symptoms, including nasal obstruction, epistaxis, post-nasal drip, hyponasal speech, or cacosmia.
Computed tomography is usually the first imaging method used to evaluate and staging nasopharyngeal tumors, as it can evaluate the size and extension of the tumor [26], assess areas that are not accessible from a clinical point of view [32], and can highlight the existence of bone involvement and metastatic lymph nodes
CT remains the most reliable technique for staging and assessing the extent of NPC, both prior to and after radiotherapy, and should be used not only for T- 
Imaging of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) includes thin-section contrast-enhanced neck CT performed in the helical mode from the base of the skull to the thoracic inlet (see the images below).
The role of CT scanning in NPC can be summarised as: (1) detection of primary lesions not accessible to pharyngo- scopy; (2) determination of the extent of disease; (3) clinical staging; (4) radiotherapy planning; (5) follow up evaluation; (6) the differentiation of recurrence and radiation damage to the brain; and (7)
The role of CT scanning in NPC can be summarised as: (1) detection of primary lesions not accessible to pharyngo- scopy; (2) determination of the extent of disease; (3) clinical staging; (4) radiotherapy planning; (5) follow up evaluation; (6) the differentiation of recurrence and radiation damage to the brain; and (7)


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