Computed tomography features of discospondylitis in dogs

  • How do you diagnose discospondylitis in dogs?

    Discospondylitis is often diagnosed using spinal X-rays.
    Although the disk itself cannot be seen on an X-ray, discospondylitis causes changes in the bony vertebrae adjacent to the affected disk.
    These changes become visible on X-rays three to six weeks after the initial onset of clinical signs..

  • How do you test for discospondylitis in dogs?

    These tests include myelography (imaging involving dyes), CT scan, MRI, or bone scintigraphy (imaging involving radioactive tracers).
    Although these tests are expensive and typically require a referral to a specialist, they are far more sensitive for discospondylitis than X-rays..

  • How is discospondylitis diagnosed in dogs?

    Discospondylitis is often diagnosed using spinal X-rays.
    Although the disk itself cannot be seen on an X-ray, discospondylitis causes changes in the bony vertebrae adjacent to the affected disk.
    These changes become visible on X-rays three to six weeks after the initial onset of clinical signs..

  • What are the CT features of discospondylitis in dogs?

    We determined that bilateral endplate erosion and periosteal proliferation were very common in dogs with discospondylitis.
    Careful evaluation of CT in all 3 planes (dorsal, sagittal, transverse) is necessary to identify an affected IVDS.Oct 8, 2022.

  • What are the radiographic findings of discospondylitis?

    Characteristics of discospondylitis on plain radiography have been well established including endplate erosion, endplate sclerosis, vertebral body osteolysis, IVDS morphology changes, osseous proliferation adjacent to the IVDS, spondylosis, soft tissue opacity alterations, as well as signs of vertebral fracture, Oct 8, 2022.

  • What is the difference between spondylitis and discospondylitis?

    Discospondylitis (diskospondylitis) is an infection of the vertebrae and the discs that provide cushioning between the bones of the spine.
    If only the vertebrae are included in the infection, and the discs are spared, then it is known simply as spondylitis..

  • What is the most common cause of discospondylitis in dogs?

    It is most commonly caused by a bacterial infection; however, fungal discospondylitis can occur.
    It occurs most frequently in young to middle-aged male large-breed dogs, such as German Shepherds and Rottweilers..

  • Discospondylitis (diskospondylitis) is an infection of the vertebrae and the discs that provide cushioning between the bones of the spine.
    If only the vertebrae are included in the infection, and the discs are spared, then it is known simply as spondylitis.
  • The most common causes of discospondylitis are coagulase-positive Staphylococcus pseudintermedius or Staphylococcus aureus.
    Less commonly, Streptococcus species, Escherichia coli, and fungal organisms (such as Aspergillus species) can be causes.Dec 22, 2017
Oct 8, 2022Computed tomographic features of MRI-affected sites including intervertebral disc space (IVDS), endplates, vertebral body, epidural space and 
Conclusions and Clinical Importance Careful evaluation of CT in all 3 planes (dorsal, sagittal, transverse) is necessary to identify an affected IVDS. These described CT features can aid in the diagnosis of discospondylitis in dogs but equivocal cases might still require MRI.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance. We determined that bilateral endplate erosion and periosteal proliferation were very common in dogs with discospondylitis. Careful evaluation of CT in all 3 planes (dorsal, sagittal, transverse) is necessary to identify an affected IVDS.
Our study highlights the CT features of discospondylitis in dogs. Common features included an abnormally-sized IVDS, with erosion of both endplates and multifocal osteolysis, periosteal proliferation adjacent to the affected site, and vertebral body changes most typically seen as multifocal osteolysis.


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